Hello, everyone again:)
I'm Kaho, I was in sound section in MP13.
Anyway , I really want to say thank you all of you who came to our performance,
people who supported us for three months.
Could you get our message through our performance?
Today I would like to write what I felt in MP13, and what I am doing now, and what I want to do from now on.
During three months in MP13, I felt so many things.
First of all , I just enjoyed everyday. I thought nothing happened in three months.
Do you remember my previous article in March 11?
At that time, also, I just felt exciting to MP13,and my job.
In fact, it was totally not true.
Gradually I faced so many problems during rehersal.
I couldn't find the existence of MP13, and sound section.
Why did I join MP? Why did I choose sound? What should I do?
That's why I made so many problems to many MPers.
I didn't feel any "happy""enjoy"at some rehersal days.
However, many MPers helped me, and I could notice my existence.
I could help live musicians and casts to play and sing well at the performance.
THAT was my job, now I can say from my mind.
It has been almost one month since our performance.
To all MPers, I want to ask you. what are you doing now?
What do you feel now?
After our performance, I back to my ordinary days like before MP.
However, I never forget about MP and there is no days that I remembered MP days.
It always in my mind.When I'm not fine, it always helps me.
I know I have to go look forward, but I also think I want to keep MP in mind.
Now I belong to Jazz music club, and I started to learn jazz piano.
Thanks to LM, sound job, I could join this club.
I also meet some students in my university who are interested in MP.
I am so happy to meet them, and my dream is to join MP14 with them.
I want to continue telling MP's greatness.
What I want to say is...
MP is my home.
I can always remind it, and if I want, I can go back "Home".
I could learn...
the greatness of believing people, knowing each other, accepting myself,
making one stage with many members,and so on.
I really love MP!!All MPers!!!
Thank you for reading.
sound section
Kaho Shinogi
You can do it!
Thank you for coming to our performances!
This is Asato. I’m MP13 Make-up and Costume chief.
This is the first time for me to write MP blog.
I wanna talk about what I’m thinking about MP after the performances.
When I open my notebook which I used through MP, I just remember what I was thinking at that time.
At the guidance I said to members
A lot of people helped me. At that time I can feel their love for MP. I could notice a lot of things. Before the guidance one person said it to me “you cannot make yourself understood if you don’t use your own words." I think I’m not good at talking about myself. So It took time to decide what I say. At that time so many people helped me. Thank you so much!
I think when we do new things, we feel scared. But we can do it! We can do it at MP. So you can do it! It takes courage to do something new.
We cannot finish them in halfway. If I join some groups, I should try to improve them.
MP13’s performance has done. But I want to use what I learned through MP in daily life. I wanna grow up every day!
Thank you!
MP13 Make-up & Costume Chief
自分が経験したことのないことをするには不安はつきもので、これからもそんな不安はつきものだと思います。でも、I can do it! MPでこんなことができたんだから次に迎える新しいこともできるんじゃあないかな?何かアクションを起こすって実はすごいことなんですね。中途半端にはできない。その団体に所属するなら常にプラスの効果を与えていかないと。
This is Asato. I’m MP13 Make-up and Costume chief.
This is the first time for me to write MP blog.
I wanna talk about what I’m thinking about MP after the performances.
At the guidance I said to members
“I have never made any costumes before joining in MP12. But I could (make them). So you can do it. If you need help, other people can help you.Now I think I said these words not only to members but also to myself.
You can help each other through MP.”
A lot of people helped me. At that time I can feel their love for MP. I could notice a lot of things. Before the guidance one person said it to me “you cannot make yourself understood if you don’t use your own words." I think I’m not good at talking about myself. So It took time to decide what I say. At that time so many people helped me. Thank you so much!
I think when we do new things, we feel scared. But we can do it! We can do it at MP. So you can do it! It takes courage to do something new.
We cannot finish them in halfway. If I join some groups, I should try to improve them.
MP13’s performance has done. But I want to use what I learned through MP in daily life. I wanna grow up every day!
Thank you!
MP13 Make-up & Costume Chief
自分が経験したことのないことをするには不安はつきもので、これからもそんな不安はつきものだと思います。でも、I can do it! MPでこんなことができたんだから次に迎える新しいこともできるんじゃあないかな?何かアクションを起こすって実はすごいことなんですね。中途半端にはできない。その団体に所属するなら常にプラスの効果を与えていかないと。
Everything starts from True to myself.
Yes, Gucchi!!!!(^O^) I'm Gucchi. Plz do not forget "H"! Recently some of members call me "gucci". But my name isn't so expensive actually. I need "H". Please, do no,,,
あっち、こっち、どっち? そう、ぐっちで〜す!「H」は忘れないようにね!最近何人かに「Gucci」って呼ばれるけど(書かれるけど?笑)、そんな高級っぽい名前ではないからね。「H」が必要なんです、忘れな、、、
By the way, yesterday we had the last Rh in MP13, and it was 50th day in MP13. Last Rh means,,,it was the last chance to do everything at Rh in my MP life.
This is my 3rd year to join MP. I was a member of Cast in MP11, and AD in MP12. In this year, I'm Music Manager.
At last Rh, we had last R/T. It was so interesting for me, because LM is always behind Cast on the stage. So we, LM, had never watched R/T from audience side, but yesterday we could watch. It was the first and the last chance to watch what's going on on the stage from front side. Sometimes we couldn't catch Cast's feeling from their back side. But yesterday, I could feel lots of things. I got new impression from each songs and characters. It was helpful for me and other LM members too. We still have a lot of things to do. But we still have time to work on. We will make a really wonderful, super, great stage this weekend.
昨日は最後のランス(通し稽古)を行いました。それがとっても興味深かったんです。なんでかって?それは僕たちLive Musician(LM)が普段のランスではキャストの後ろにいたからです。だから今までランスを客席側から見たことはありませんでした。けど昨日は見れたんです!前からランスを見るチャンスは昨日が最初で最後でした。僕らは普段キャストより後ろ側にいるので時々キャストの顔や表情が見れず、彼らが何を感じているのかがわからなかったりすることがありました。でも昨日はたくさんのことを感じました。僕はそれぞれの曲やキャラクターから新しい印象も受けました。とってもいい機会になったんじゃないかと思います。 僕らはまだまだやることがたくさんありますが、時間もまだあります。絶対に素敵なステージを今週末にはつくります。
I’m now confused. I don’t know what I want to write. I had a lot of things that I wanted to write, though. So let me talk about “Cheer”. In MP, we have our own cheer every year. I love every cheer I learned in MP. Cheer expresses everything. Cheer expresses that year’s MP, I think. I joined from MP11, so let me introduce the cheers.
ちょっといま何を書いたらいいのかわかんなくなってます(笑 なんかいっぱい書きたいことあったんですけど、、、なので今日は「チア」について書こうと思います。MPにはチアと呼ばれるものが毎年あります。僕はこのチアがとっても好きで、自分が経験したMPのどの年のものも覚えています。チアってもう全部を表してると思うんです。チアがその年のMPを表してるとも思います。僕はMP11からMPに参加したのでこの三年間のチアを紹介させてください。
For me, MP11 was a year of “Challenge”. I could jump in MP11. Then I met precious members, wonderful Heads, and Hisashi. MP11 was my turning point in my life. Thanks a lot. I’m taking next step.
僕にとってMP11は「挑戦」の年でした。MPに初めてJump inしたのも11です。そこで僕はとっても大事な仲間と出会い、素敵すぎるヘッズメンバーに出会い、そしてひさしに出会いました。MP11は僕の人生を変えてくれました、おおげさじゃなく。本当に感謝、感謝です。僕は今また新たな一歩を踏み出してます。
I learned “Gift” through MP12. It was really precious time to make MP, and grew up with dearest, lovely, new members. It was great opportunity to notice that we are living in the wonderful world.
It’s really hard to notice how precious living is, but we could know that a little about it. There’re lots of gifts in our life. Thanks. I still tend to forget about it, but I want to keep to feel how wonderful this world is.
Then, let me introduce MP13’s Cheer.
Now, we are learning “something”. Hope we can share it with audience.
Every phrase of Cheer has a deep meaning. Cheer has some meanings. Cheer supports us. Cheer gives us energy. Cheer makes us cry. Cheer makes us excited. Cheer makes us feel one. Cheer is made from Love, I think. That’s why it has “something”.
When we make a circle on the stage before the performance, I think to myself every phrase of Cheer slowly with watching every member’s face. That makes me cry/give energy/feel one.
チアのすべてのフレーズに深い意味があります。 チアは意味をもっています。チアは私たちを支えてくれます。チアは私たちにエネルギーをくれます。チアはわたしたちを泣かせてもくれます。チアは私たちの気持ちを盛り上げてくれます。そしてチアはわたしたちを一つにしてくれます。チアはきっと「Love」からできてるんだと僕は思います。だから「なにか」を感じさせてくれるのだと思います。 公演前にステージの上でサークルをつくるとき、僕は自分の中でチアをゆっくりと、メンバー1人1人の顔を見ながら唱えます。そうすることで泣くこともあるし、エネルギーをもらうこともあれば、Feel Oneするときもあります。
What is Cheer for you? What do you feel when you sing our Cheer? Cheer could be warming up. Cheer could be phrase. Cheer could be joy. Cheer could be Cheer. Cheer has lots of possibilities same as “Gift”. Tomorrow, we will load in. I’m so excited. Writing this article reminds me why I joined MP. Thank you so much. Thank you all. I’m so happy, glad to be here and proud of being here.
MP13のみんな、みんなにとってチアって何ですか?^^ チアを唄うとき、みんなは何を感じますか? チアってただのウォームアップにもなるし、チアはただの言葉にもなる。もしかしたらただ言うのが楽しいだけかも。。。でもチアって「Cheer」にもなると思う。チアってGiftと一緒でどうとでも捉えられると思うんだよね。捉える人次第。 明日からはついに小屋入りです。僕はいまとってもいい感じです。 このブログを書きながらどうして自分がMPに参加したのかを思い出しました。 ありがとう。ありがとう。いっぱいありがとう。 ここにいられて幸せだし、嬉しくて、、、なによりここ皆といられることを誇りに思います。
Why did you want to join MP? Why are you still being MP? Why do you want to perform? What do you want to tell? What’s your messages? MP is not “have to”things. We “want to” do MP. What we do all is what we want to do, I think. That’s why we are here.
Even if to communicate in English is so hard for us, we want to communicate with your partner. That’s why we try hard to talk. That’s why we try hard to listen. Because we “want to” communicate.
Do not do well, but do well. (上手くやらなくていいからちゃんとやろう!^^)
Everything starts from True to myself.
Be stupid, Be crazy, Be Good morning.
Love me, Touch me, Feel me. Enjoy MP Fully. Full Passion!!!
We have 5 more days to do MP13,,, I’m gonna enjoy this!!!!!
Best love, Gucc“H”i
Yes, Gucchi!!!!(^O^) I'm Gucchi. Plz do not forget "H"! Recently some of members call me "gucci". But my name isn't so expensive actually. I need "H". Please, do no,,,
あっち、こっち、どっち? そう、ぐっちで〜す!「H」は忘れないようにね!最近何人かに「Gucci」って呼ばれるけど(書かれるけど?笑)、そんな高級っぽい名前ではないからね。「H」が必要なんです、忘れな、、、
By the way, yesterday we had the last Rh in MP13, and it was 50th day in MP13. Last Rh means,,,it was the last chance to do everything at Rh in my MP life.
This is my 3rd year to join MP. I was a member of Cast in MP11, and AD in MP12. In this year, I'm Music Manager.
At last Rh, we had last R/T. It was so interesting for me, because LM is always behind Cast on the stage. So we, LM, had never watched R/T from audience side, but yesterday we could watch. It was the first and the last chance to watch what's going on on the stage from front side. Sometimes we couldn't catch Cast's feeling from their back side. But yesterday, I could feel lots of things. I got new impression from each songs and characters. It was helpful for me and other LM members too. We still have a lot of things to do. But we still have time to work on. We will make a really wonderful, super, great stage this weekend.
昨日は最後のランス(通し稽古)を行いました。それがとっても興味深かったんです。なんでかって?それは僕たちLive Musician(LM)が普段のランスではキャストの後ろにいたからです。だから今までランスを客席側から見たことはありませんでした。けど昨日は見れたんです!前からランスを見るチャンスは昨日が最初で最後でした。僕らは普段キャストより後ろ側にいるので時々キャストの顔や表情が見れず、彼らが何を感じているのかがわからなかったりすることがありました。でも昨日はたくさんのことを感じました。僕はそれぞれの曲やキャラクターから新しい印象も受けました。とってもいい機会になったんじゃないかと思います。 僕らはまだまだやることがたくさんありますが、時間もまだあります。絶対に素敵なステージを今週末にはつくります。
I’m now confused. I don’t know what I want to write. I had a lot of things that I wanted to write, though. So let me talk about “Cheer”. In MP, we have our own cheer every year. I love every cheer I learned in MP. Cheer expresses everything. Cheer expresses that year’s MP, I think. I joined from MP11, so let me introduce the cheers.
ちょっといま何を書いたらいいのかわかんなくなってます(笑 なんかいっぱい書きたいことあったんですけど、、、なので今日は「チア」について書こうと思います。MPにはチアと呼ばれるものが毎年あります。僕はこのチアがとっても好きで、自分が経験したMPのどの年のものも覚えています。チアってもう全部を表してると思うんです。チアがその年のMPを表してるとも思います。僕はMP11からMPに参加したのでこの三年間のチアを紹介させてください。
MP11,『First Step』
“Who takes a step?
Don’t Stop Believing! Jump In!
Talk and Listen! Feel One!
We do more than best! Take Our First Step!”
For me, MP11 was a year of “Challenge”. I could jump in MP11. Then I met precious members, wonderful Heads, and Hisashi. MP11 was my turning point in my life. Thanks a lot. I’m taking next step.
僕にとってMP11は「挑戦」の年でした。MPに初めてJump inしたのも11です。そこで僕はとっても大事な仲間と出会い、素敵すぎるヘッズメンバーに出会い、そしてひさしに出会いました。MP11は僕の人生を変えてくれました、おおげさじゃなく。本当に感謝、感謝です。僕は今また新たな一歩を踏み出してます。
MP12, 『Here we are』
“Who opens the door?
Believe in what?
My self and You!
Talk and Listen! More Than Best!
Enjoy This Moment! Now’s our time!
Love yourself! Just Jump In!
MP12, Here We Are!”
Then, let me introduce MP13’s Cheer.
“Who wants to jump in?
Are You Ready?
Rock’n Roll!
Love and Accept!
True to yourself!
Talk and Listen!
Discover! Through The Stage!
Life! Spirit!
MP13, June Night!”
Now, we are learning “something”. Hope we can share it with audience.
Every phrase of Cheer has a deep meaning. Cheer has some meanings. Cheer supports us. Cheer gives us energy. Cheer makes us cry. Cheer makes us excited. Cheer makes us feel one. Cheer is made from Love, I think. That’s why it has “something”.
When we make a circle on the stage before the performance, I think to myself every phrase of Cheer slowly with watching every member’s face. That makes me cry/give energy/feel one.
チアのすべてのフレーズに深い意味があります。 チアは意味をもっています。チアは私たちを支えてくれます。チアは私たちにエネルギーをくれます。チアはわたしたちを泣かせてもくれます。チアは私たちの気持ちを盛り上げてくれます。そしてチアはわたしたちを一つにしてくれます。チアはきっと「Love」からできてるんだと僕は思います。だから「なにか」を感じさせてくれるのだと思います。 公演前にステージの上でサークルをつくるとき、僕は自分の中でチアをゆっくりと、メンバー1人1人の顔を見ながら唱えます。そうすることで泣くこともあるし、エネルギーをもらうこともあれば、Feel Oneするときもあります。
What is Cheer for you? What do you feel when you sing our Cheer? Cheer could be warming up. Cheer could be phrase. Cheer could be joy. Cheer could be Cheer. Cheer has lots of possibilities same as “Gift”. Tomorrow, we will load in. I’m so excited. Writing this article reminds me why I joined MP. Thank you so much. Thank you all. I’m so happy, glad to be here and proud of being here.
MP13のみんな、みんなにとってチアって何ですか?^^ チアを唄うとき、みんなは何を感じますか? チアってただのウォームアップにもなるし、チアはただの言葉にもなる。もしかしたらただ言うのが楽しいだけかも。。。でもチアって「Cheer」にもなると思う。チアってGiftと一緒でどうとでも捉えられると思うんだよね。捉える人次第。 明日からはついに小屋入りです。僕はいまとってもいい感じです。 このブログを書きながらどうして自分がMPに参加したのかを思い出しました。 ありがとう。ありがとう。いっぱいありがとう。 ここにいられて幸せだし、嬉しくて、、、なによりここ皆といられることを誇りに思います。
Why did you want to join MP? Why are you still being MP? Why do you want to perform? What do you want to tell? What’s your messages? MP is not “have to”things. We “want to” do MP. What we do all is what we want to do, I think. That’s why we are here.
Even if to communicate in English is so hard for us, we want to communicate with your partner. That’s why we try hard to talk. That’s why we try hard to listen. Because we “want to” communicate.
Do not do well, but do well. (上手くやらなくていいからちゃんとやろう!^^)
Everything starts from True to myself.
Be stupid, Be crazy, Be Good morning.
Love me, Touch me, Feel me. Enjoy MP Fully. Full Passion!!!
We have 5 more days to do MP13,,, I’m gonna enjoy this!!!!!
Best love, Gucc“H”i
Enjoy this precious moment
Hi! This is Koji(Munakata ). I am one of the setting and property members.
Firstly, as everyone know,I'm not good at English. So,this blog is gonna be strange.Please don't care my poor English.
こんにちは。こーじ(宗像)です。セッティングあんどプロパティをやってます。 まずみんなが知ってる通り、英語が苦手です。 だから、これから書くブログは多々、こいつ何言ってんだってことがあると思います。気にしないでください。
Now, setting and property members are making many many prop. So everyone seems to be pooped out. I know other sections are also tired and trying to do your best. But the time which can be MPer13 has only one week.It's very very short time, right? I feel so sad. So let's do your best more and enjoy this moment more more more !!! If you can do this, I believe that the performance day is gonna be great stage.
今 セップロはたくさんの道具をつくっています。なのでみんなとても疲れてるように見えます。他のセクションもまたやるべきことたくさんあって、疲れてるし、もっともっとより良いもの作ろうとベストを尽くそうとしてるのがすごいわかります。 でもMP13でいられるのはあと1週間しかないんです。これってものすごく短いですよね。なんか寂しいですね。笑 だから今以上にベストを尽くして、もっともっと今という瞬間を楽しみましょう! それができれば、最強なステージができると信じてます。
When I decided to join MP13, I was worry about all the things which happened in MP13,because I can't speak English. I thought It's hard to communicate If I can't speak English. But after I joined MP13,I noticed. I didn't need to think about such a things. Everybody is so good person and accept me.I am so happy! Then I could learn many things in MP13 And I was able to experience new things.
Now I can feel I'm glad to be able to join MP13.
MP13に入ると決めたとき、最初、英語がほとんどしゃべれないのですべてのことに対してとても心配してました。英語がしゃべれないとコミュニケーションがとれないと思ってました。入って気づきました。そんなのこと考える必要なんてなかったみたいですね。みんないい人ばっかでみんなこんな自分をアクセプトしてくれてます。最高です笑 そしてMP13では多くのことを学ぶことができました。それと新しいことたくさんけいけんできました。 今はMP13に入れてよかったって本当に思えます。 みんなほんとにありがとう!
Thank you for reading my cheep English blog. I wrote the blog so far and I noticed.Probably I'm also not good at Japanese. Thank you for reading my cheep Japanese.
ここまでつたない英語よんでくれてありがとうございます。 ブログ書いてみて気づきました。自分、日本語もにがてらしいです。 つたない日本語よんでくれてありがとうございます。
Last but not least, I want to write one of the favorite word.
"Where there is a will, there is a way "
PS thank you, makotsu and saira. I appreciate you.
I'm proud of being Setting and Property bottom of my heart.
そして、まこつとサイラほんとに感謝してます! ありがとうございます。
こんにちは。こーじ(宗像)です。セッティングあんどプロパティをやってます。 まずみんなが知ってる通り、英語が苦手です。 だから、これから書くブログは多々、こいつ何言ってんだってことがあると思います。気にしないでください。
Now, setting and property members are making many many prop. So everyone seems to be pooped out. I know other sections are also tired and trying to do your best. But the time which can be MPer13 has only one week.It's very very short time, right? I feel so sad. So let's do your best more and enjoy this moment more more more !!! If you can do this, I believe that the performance day is gonna be great stage.
今 セップロはたくさんの道具をつくっています。なのでみんなとても疲れてるように見えます。他のセクションもまたやるべきことたくさんあって、疲れてるし、もっともっとより良いもの作ろうとベストを尽くそうとしてるのがすごいわかります。 でもMP13でいられるのはあと1週間しかないんです。これってものすごく短いですよね。なんか寂しいですね。笑 だから今以上にベストを尽くして、もっともっと今という瞬間を楽しみましょう! それができれば、最強なステージができると信じてます。
When I decided to join MP13, I was worry about all the things which happened in MP13,because I can't speak English. I thought It's hard to communicate If I can't speak English. But after I joined MP13,I noticed. I didn't need to think about such a things. Everybody is so good person and accept me.I am so happy! Then I could learn many things in MP13 And I was able to experience new things.
Now I can feel I'm glad to be able to join MP13.
MP13に入ると決めたとき、最初、英語がほとんどしゃべれないのですべてのことに対してとても心配してました。英語がしゃべれないとコミュニケーションがとれないと思ってました。入って気づきました。そんなのこと考える必要なんてなかったみたいですね。みんないい人ばっかでみんなこんな自分をアクセプトしてくれてます。最高です笑 そしてMP13では多くのことを学ぶことができました。それと新しいことたくさんけいけんできました。 今はMP13に入れてよかったって本当に思えます。 みんなほんとにありがとう!
Thank you for reading my cheep English blog. I wrote the blog so far and I noticed.Probably I'm also not good at Japanese. Thank you for reading my cheep Japanese.
ここまでつたない英語よんでくれてありがとうございます。 ブログ書いてみて気づきました。自分、日本語もにがてらしいです。 つたない日本語よんでくれてありがとうございます。
Last but not least, I want to write one of the favorite word.
"Where there is a will, there is a way "
PS thank you, makotsu and saira. I appreciate you.
I'm proud of being Setting and Property bottom of my heart.
そして、まこつとサイラほんとに感謝してます! ありがとうございます。
We all live in "June Night"
Hi! Misae again!lol(but almost people(except MP13 members)) don't remember me, I think. I'm one of the lightning member.
※Misa's previous post ⇒ Click Here!
I want to talk about "Technical Rehearsal(TRH)!" We went to 志木市民会館, which we will use on performance days. and we had Run Through.
At that time, all members did something.
make up cast, some costumes are changed!I was surprised to some new costumes!
S&P's set was...great!I can't express with words.
operate machines.(later I'll write deeply.)
operate machines, control power of some microphones.
got new bassist! one of AD, Koji!wow
were costumes, put make-up, have microphones.(not all members)
yes, all sections had job! and everyone did their best, I think.
新しいベーシストを迎えました!ADの1人...Koji!!! Kojiが来て、また違ったJune Nightになった気がする!こう、ご期待!
TRH's RT(Run Through) was very very different from RT we had done. We are becoming ONE, I think. At that time, I felt I could join "June Night" and live in the world of "June Night", because before TRH, all I can do was only "watching and thinking". How great it was!
テクリの通し稽古は、今までの通し稽古とは全然比べ物にならないくらい違ってました。みんなが1つになった感じ...?その時、「あぁ、June Nightの一員なんだー」とか、「June Nightに生きれてるんだな」って感じた。だって、テクリ前の通し稽古で私に出来た事って、、「見て考える」だけだったから。 こう感じられたことって、どれだけ素晴らしいことかしら!
I'm lightning member, so I wanna talk about lightning section!(please don't say"NO NEED".)
Lightning has 3 positions, Master, Pin Spotlight, and Side Spotlight.
【Master】 can stay audience seats!Envy! and they operate machines.their job is really hard but important to make stage!
【Pin Spotlight】 is important to make audience to focus. or make different atmosphere.
【Side Spotlight】 is in the wings, and make atmosphere to change many color filters.
yes, just information!(please don't attack me....)
changing the subject(returning the subject?)
talk about TRH.
It was for the first time to use REAL machines, REAL stage with all sections... So we(not only lightning but also other sections) made maaaaaaaany mistakes. BUT!!! mistakes make us realize something. It important to experience mistakes.
During or after TRH, I felt everyone respects deeply each other, each sections. if there is no one section, the stage can't be made. every section is very important to make ONE STAGE!
our stage is full of our effort.
テクリの間やテクリ後、みんなもっともっとお互いに、他セクを尊敬する?ようになったと思うんだ。もし、ひとつでもセクションがなかったとしたら、舞台は成り立たない訳であって。どのセクションも「1つの舞台を作る」のに重要なんだよ! 私たちの舞台には、みんなの努力の塊なんだから!
so it might be...could be great stage!!!!
why don't you come?
about 100 members welcome you!!!
thank you for reading sooo long article.
with love
what is love?
※Misa's previous post ⇒ Click Here!
At that time, all members did something.
make up cast, some costumes are changed!I was surprised to some new costumes!
S&P's set was...great!I can't express with words.
operate machines.(later I'll write deeply.)
operate machines, control power of some microphones.
got new bassist! one of AD, Koji!wow
were costumes, put make-up, have microphones.(not all members)
yes, all sections had job! and everyone did their best, I think.
新しいベーシストを迎えました!ADの1人...Koji!!! Kojiが来て、また違ったJune Nightになった気がする!こう、ご期待!
TRH's RT(Run Through) was very very different from RT we had done. We are becoming ONE, I think. At that time, I felt I could join "June Night" and live in the world of "June Night", because before TRH, all I can do was only "watching and thinking". How great it was!
テクリの通し稽古は、今までの通し稽古とは全然比べ物にならないくらい違ってました。みんなが1つになった感じ...?その時、「あぁ、June Nightの一員なんだー」とか、「June Nightに生きれてるんだな」って感じた。だって、テクリ前の通し稽古で私に出来た事って、、「見て考える」だけだったから。 こう感じられたことって、どれだけ素晴らしいことかしら!
I'm lightning member, so I wanna talk about lightning section!(please don't say"NO NEED".)
Lightning has 3 positions, Master, Pin Spotlight, and Side Spotlight.
【Master】 can stay audience seats!Envy! and they operate machines.their job is really hard but important to make stage!
【Pin Spotlight】 is important to make audience to focus. or make different atmosphere.
【Side Spotlight】 is in the wings, and make atmosphere to change many color filters.
yes, just information!(please don't attack me....)
changing the subject(returning the subject?)
talk about TRH.
It was for the first time to use REAL machines, REAL stage with all sections... So we(not only lightning but also other sections) made maaaaaaaany mistakes. BUT!!! mistakes make us realize something. It important to experience mistakes.
During or after TRH, I felt everyone respects deeply each other, each sections. if there is no one section, the stage can't be made. every section is very important to make ONE STAGE!
our stage is full of our effort.
テクリの間やテクリ後、みんなもっともっとお互いに、他セクを尊敬する?ようになったと思うんだ。もし、ひとつでもセクションがなかったとしたら、舞台は成り立たない訳であって。どのセクションも「1つの舞台を作る」のに重要なんだよ! 私たちの舞台には、みんなの努力の塊なんだから!
so it might be...could be great stage!!!!
why don't you come?
about 100 members welcome you!!!
thank you for reading sooo long article.
with love
what is love?
“For Good”
Hi! I'm Glico from Setting & Property (SP).
Today SP did reflection of yesterday's Technical rehearsal (TRh).
We shared what we felt, what we noticed, etc.
Then, we went to the rehearsal place and gathered with other section members. We practiced dance, did some workshop. It was so fun to do something with everyone.
At the end of the rehearsal, we saw the documentary movie of MP08. From the movie, I felt the history and the spirit of MP. I was moved. It nearly brought tears to my eyes, and many members did weep.
Today was the last Joint Rehearsal. We will never do the workshop with all the members. That means today was very, very precious time. I feel lonely.
I am not so much at speech making that I cannot describe my feeling enough. So, I want to sing a song instead of my speech….
この気持ち、どうやって伝えたらいいのかな。私、こういう所で話すの苦手で…。仕方がないから、代わりに歌を歌います。ミュージカル「WICKED」より「For Good」です。
It is NOT that we will never meet again. I will meet at workplace / rehearsal place / theater before the performance days and on the days. However, it may be that we will not meet often after performance days and some members are going far places (I hope we will meet after the performances are over but…). So let me say something before we part.
Even when I am going to sleep and even when SP is working at far place from the others, every MP13 member is with me on my heart, and maybe they will forever. And I am changing for good, thanks to every person I met during MP!
“that we will never meet again in this lifetime (一生会うことはない)”わけではないです。だって、メンバーには少なくとも2週間は稽古や本番で会えるから。でも、きっと会う機会は減ってしまうし、中には就職や留学で遠くに行ってしまう人もいます(もちろん本番が終わっても皆に会いたいけど…)。“So let me say before we part(だから、会えなくなる前に言わせて)”!
眠りに落ちそうなときも、セップロだけで作業しているときも、きっと今後もずっと、MP13のメンバーは皆“with me on my heart(私の心に刻まれていて、ずっと一緒)”。そして, MPを通じて私は変わってきている。この変化は一生ものです。MPで出会ったすべての人たち、ありがとう!
Thank you for reading my blog.
If you are an MPer, let’s enjoy in two weeks and make a GREAT stage together!
If you are thinking to be a one of the future audience, I hope you will enjoy our performance. We won’t disappoint you!
私たちの『June Night』を見に行こうかなあと思っている方、劇場に来て楽しんでいただけると光栄です。観てガッカリなんかさせませんよ!
Big hugs,
Today SP did reflection of yesterday's Technical rehearsal (TRh).
We shared what we felt, what we noticed, etc.
Then, we went to the rehearsal place and gathered with other section members. We practiced dance, did some workshop. It was so fun to do something with everyone.
At the end of the rehearsal, we saw the documentary movie of MP08. From the movie, I felt the history and the spirit of MP. I was moved. It nearly brought tears to my eyes, and many members did weep.
Today was the last Joint Rehearsal. We will never do the workshop with all the members. That means today was very, very precious time. I feel lonely.
I am not so much at speech making that I cannot describe my feeling enough. So, I want to sing a song instead of my speech….
この気持ち、どうやって伝えたらいいのかな。私、こういう所で話すの苦手で…。仕方がないから、代わりに歌を歌います。ミュージカル「WICKED」より「For Good」です。
… It well may be That we will never meet again in this lifetime So let me say before we part So much of me is made of what I learned from you You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart And now whatever way our stories end I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend…. (“For Good” from WICKED)
It is NOT that we will never meet again. I will meet at workplace / rehearsal place / theater before the performance days and on the days. However, it may be that we will not meet often after performance days and some members are going far places (I hope we will meet after the performances are over but…). So let me say something before we part.
Even when I am going to sleep and even when SP is working at far place from the others, every MP13 member is with me on my heart, and maybe they will forever. And I am changing for good, thanks to every person I met during MP!
“that we will never meet again in this lifetime (一生会うことはない)”わけではないです。だって、メンバーには少なくとも2週間は稽古や本番で会えるから。でも、きっと会う機会は減ってしまうし、中には就職や留学で遠くに行ってしまう人もいます(もちろん本番が終わっても皆に会いたいけど…)。“So let me say before we part(だから、会えなくなる前に言わせて)”!
眠りに落ちそうなときも、セップロだけで作業しているときも、きっと今後もずっと、MP13のメンバーは皆“with me on my heart(私の心に刻まれていて、ずっと一緒)”。そして, MPを通じて私は変わってきている。この変化は一生ものです。MPで出会ったすべての人たち、ありがとう!
Thank you for reading my blog.
If you are an MPer, let’s enjoy in two weeks and make a GREAT stage together!
If you are thinking to be a one of the future audience, I hope you will enjoy our performance. We won’t disappoint you!
私たちの『June Night』を見に行こうかなあと思っている方、劇場に来て楽しんでいただけると光栄です。観てガッカリなんかさせませんよ!
Big hugs,
Never try to “BE”, but BE yourself.
This is Sachy. I am one of the CAST members. Today I will be writing this blog!
Nice to meet you.
On the performance day, I believe you are going to see me as Blanche, an aunt, on the stage, and I would like to meet you ALL at SHIKI!
From the KICK OFF DAY, I have experienced a wonderful journey I have never expected when I jumped in the morning circle on the KICK OFF and shared my hopes in MP13 which is to ENJOY and CHERISH all the moments with the MP members. I really LOVE ALL MPers. It always makes me feel sorrow whenever I imagine the days after the performance in May. So, these days my greatest HOPE is to FULFILL every each single moment I spend in MP. Feel EVERY moment. Never miss any single feeling I feel during the practice, because I believe that all of them are the signs that I am living at that moment.
I do sound positive, easy-going person, don’t I? lol
Well, it was not always like this during my last months with MP. I have gone through having to figure out so many REASONS to why I was put in certain situations. First of all, my journey began from understanding the concept of “accept”. Like many other members, I also felt the same feelings that it is difficult, but in a way that I had to understand myself and accept it. My role as Blanche was a tough start to begin my new journey as a cast for I had no clue whatsoever how Blanche made her minds. I first thought that my lack of experiences in life would weak my role as a Blanche. Even now I still think so. I couldn’t understand my lines and didn’t know what to react to them.
However, one advice I received from the members changed my attitude. It was that “Why don’t you use your true feelings you have inside you today and use them with the lines you are given?” This advice meant that using your real feelings you feel, for example if you are really tired right now use it!!!, in order to have your own character live. This means that every time you do that part, it changes for you would have a different kind of feelings inside you. It is true that every character is living. I learned the importance not to “pretend” and to be “true to yourself!” I believe you have heard the phrase it over many times in this blog LOL, but it is true. Trying to be someone else would be no good in acting. Same thing I believe we can say in real life. Never try to “BE”, but BE yourself. This is one thing I had the chance to think about during the over last days. Okay, sooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
“Ready for what?” you might say LOL
Ready for the EVERY MOMENT which will NEVER EVER come back…
People who can make to see our performances would hear me shouting this! Though the meaning can be different LOL Never mind! What I want to say is to…
I gotta lots of more things I want to share here, but I think this is becoming too long…lol
SO! The rest of all will be ON THE STAGE on the BIG DAY!!! I will try my BEST to share ALL my experience I had through MP on the BIG DAY! MAY 4th , 5th, 6th.
Please come to see our stages!!!!
Tmr would be our TECHNICAL REHERSAL!!! Which means we are going to use the actual stage for our performance in SHIKI!!! I would like to say that without STAFF, I would NEVER EVER had the chance to stand on the stage feeling this way. Let’s us all gather our power and make OUR JUNE NIGHT!!!
Once again, I am looking forward to seeing you.
Lastly, I would like to share my SPIRIT.
"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." By Helen Adams Keller
Thank you for reading!
Break a leg!
Nice to meet you.
On the performance day, I believe you are going to see me as Blanche, an aunt, on the stage, and I would like to meet you ALL at SHIKI!
From the KICK OFF DAY, I have experienced a wonderful journey I have never expected when I jumped in the morning circle on the KICK OFF and shared my hopes in MP13 which is to ENJOY and CHERISH all the moments with the MP members. I really LOVE ALL MPers. It always makes me feel sorrow whenever I imagine the days after the performance in May. So, these days my greatest HOPE is to FULFILL every each single moment I spend in MP. Feel EVERY moment. Never miss any single feeling I feel during the practice, because I believe that all of them are the signs that I am living at that moment.
I do sound positive, easy-going person, don’t I? lol
Well, it was not always like this during my last months with MP. I have gone through having to figure out so many REASONS to why I was put in certain situations. First of all, my journey began from understanding the concept of “accept”. Like many other members, I also felt the same feelings that it is difficult, but in a way that I had to understand myself and accept it. My role as Blanche was a tough start to begin my new journey as a cast for I had no clue whatsoever how Blanche made her minds. I first thought that my lack of experiences in life would weak my role as a Blanche. Even now I still think so. I couldn’t understand my lines and didn’t know what to react to them.
However, one advice I received from the members changed my attitude. It was that “Why don’t you use your true feelings you have inside you today and use them with the lines you are given?” This advice meant that using your real feelings you feel, for example if you are really tired right now use it!!!, in order to have your own character live. This means that every time you do that part, it changes for you would have a different kind of feelings inside you. It is true that every character is living. I learned the importance not to “pretend” and to be “true to yourself!” I believe you have heard the phrase it over many times in this blog LOL, but it is true. Trying to be someone else would be no good in acting. Same thing I believe we can say in real life. Never try to “BE”, but BE yourself. This is one thing I had the chance to think about during the over last days. Okay, sooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
“Ready for what?” you might say LOL
Ready for the EVERY MOMENT which will NEVER EVER come back…
People who can make to see our performances would hear me shouting this! Though the meaning can be different LOL Never mind! What I want to say is to…
I gotta lots of more things I want to share here, but I think this is becoming too long…lol
SO! The rest of all will be ON THE STAGE on the BIG DAY!!! I will try my BEST to share ALL my experience I had through MP on the BIG DAY! MAY 4th , 5th, 6th.
Please come to see our stages!!!!
Tmr would be our TECHNICAL REHERSAL!!! Which means we are going to use the actual stage for our performance in SHIKI!!! I would like to say that without STAFF, I would NEVER EVER had the chance to stand on the stage feeling this way. Let’s us all gather our power and make OUR JUNE NIGHT!!!
Once again, I am looking forward to seeing you.
Lastly, I would like to share my SPIRIT.
"Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." By Helen Adams Keller
Thank you for reading!
Break a leg!
meaning of "word"
Hello, I'm Shoko. I join MP13 as cast. Nice to meet you.
I have never image I could stand on the stage as one of the MP member when I was high school student. So today, I want to talk about importance of word.
高校生の時は自分がMPのメンバーとして舞台に立つことができるなんて想像していませんでした。 さて、今日は言葉の重要性について話したいです。
Today, we practiced reading Rh, which we just read and speak script without body acting. During practice, we were pointed out many times our mistake such as mistake of pronunciation or expression of emotion.
今日は台本の読み合わせを身体の動きを使うことなく練習しました。 練習の間、私たちは何度も発音の間違いや感情表現を指摘されます。
Compared with first RH, it absolutely improved.
On the other hand, as we get used speaking line and we forgot this is "word",which is tool of communication.
Hisashi often says "I can't understand what you said." Because we just speak just empty line, it is not word. We could pay attention to meaning of word or pronunciation at first. But now, this attitude to word is decreasing.
We have to do a lot of things, such as dance, singing and acting. But today I realized we have to return to the talk and listen. We have to say line clearly to talk to audience and to can be listened by audience.
私達はダンスに歌に演技、やることがたくさんあります。だけど私は今日、もう一度talk and listenの原点に私達は変えるべきなんじゃないかと思いました。私達は台詞をきちんと言わなければならないのは観客とtalkしてちゃんた彼らにlistenしてもらうためです。
Time is fly. Do now! My favorite character Glinda says,
光陰矢の如し 今すぐやらなきゃ! 私の大好きなグリンダも言っています。
Thank you for reading! Shoko
I have never image I could stand on the stage as one of the MP member when I was high school student. So today, I want to talk about importance of word.
高校生の時は自分がMPのメンバーとして舞台に立つことができるなんて想像していませんでした。 さて、今日は言葉の重要性について話したいです。
Today, we practiced reading Rh, which we just read and speak script without body acting. During practice, we were pointed out many times our mistake such as mistake of pronunciation or expression of emotion.
今日は台本の読み合わせを身体の動きを使うことなく練習しました。 練習の間、私たちは何度も発音の間違いや感情表現を指摘されます。
Compared with first RH, it absolutely improved.
On the other hand, as we get used speaking line and we forgot this is "word",which is tool of communication.
Hisashi often says "I can't understand what you said." Because we just speak just empty line, it is not word. We could pay attention to meaning of word or pronunciation at first. But now, this attitude to word is decreasing.
We have to do a lot of things, such as dance, singing and acting. But today I realized we have to return to the talk and listen. We have to say line clearly to talk to audience and to can be listened by audience.
私達はダンスに歌に演技、やることがたくさんあります。だけど私は今日、もう一度talk and listenの原点に私達は変えるべきなんじゃないかと思いました。私達は台詞をきちんと言わなければならないのは観客とtalkしてちゃんた彼らにlistenしてもらうためです。
Time is fly. Do now! My favorite character Glinda says,
光陰矢の如し 今すぐやらなきゃ! 私の大好きなグリンダも言っています。
Thank you for reading! Shoko
I'm Urara, member of Setting&Property!
I'm not good at English,but I'll do my best. ...Actually,I'm not good at Japanese, either:(
初めまして! うららです!MP13のセップロのメンバーです♪ 英語は得意ではないのですが(笑)頑張って書きます! 実は日本語力もないのですが笑
Less than 3weeks from first performance day! Unbelievable!
Now, S&P member making set. So we act different place from other section. That's so fun,but so sad because we can meet other section only once a week. I think,meeting every section is very very precious time.
もう、1stパフォーマンスまで3週間を切ってしまいました! 本当に早い!!信じられません。
今、セップロのメンバーは、必死にセットを作成中です! すっごく楽しいです!ただ、他のセクションと違う場所で活動してるので、 週に1回しか他のセクションと会えないんですよ~><寂しいです! 皆で集まれる時間って、本当に貴重だなと思います。
By the way,recently I noticed 2things.
First,"ACCEPT" is very difficult.
To be honest, I go to law school,so I can go activity very short time. I absented many days before, But MPer, especially S&P member, trying to ACCEPT that. Some members called me to catch up till morning ,and said to" Let's go to dinner! and talk more!" I think it is very difficult thing. So I appreciate MPer soooo much! I want to notice other's good point and do my best during MP time! As other MPer do. I think, it will my motto!
正直に言って、私は大学院生(ロースクール生)なので、 活動に行ける時間はごく限られているんです。 でも、そんな私を、メンバーは、特にセップロのメンバーは、 受け入れようとしてくれてる。 あるメンバーは朝まで電話で話を聞いてくれたり、 「ご飯行きながら話そうよ!」って言ってくれたり。 拒否する前に話を聞いたりすることって凄い難しい事だと思うんです。 だから私はメンバーに、言葉ではあらわせない位の感謝の気持ちでいっぱいなんです♪ 皆がしてくれているように、他の人に「良い所」を見つけよう、 貴重なMPに行ける時間を無駄にしないようにしようとしています。 多分、「受け入れる」っていうのは、自分の一生モノになるだろうなと感じています。
Second,I like story of "June Night!" Of course,I like it before,but I read the script more and more, I like it more and more! And I want to make a great stage WITH EVERY ONE! NOT ONLY S&P! WITH ALL MPer! I'm...We are glad if a message of "June Night" is transmitted!
2つ目は、本当に"June Night"の脚本が素敵だという事! もちろん、前々から大好きでしたが、台本を読めば読む程、 "June Night"の世界にハマっていってるんです。
だから、皆で1つになって、great stageを皆と一緒に作れたら良いなと思います! セップロ内だけじゃなくて!全MPerと! 私は...いや、多分メンバー全員、"June Night"の世界を通して、 メッセージが伝われば良いなと思っている事と思います!
See you on performance day!
Thank you for reading. With tons of love,Urara.
拙い文章を読んで下さりありがとうございました! うららより。
I'm not good at English,but I'll do my best. ...Actually,I'm not good at Japanese, either:(
初めまして! うららです!MP13のセップロのメンバーです♪ 英語は得意ではないのですが(笑)頑張って書きます! 実は日本語力もないのですが笑
Less than 3weeks from first performance day! Unbelievable!
Now, S&P member making set. So we act different place from other section. That's so fun,but so sad because we can meet other section only once a week. I think,meeting every section is very very precious time.
もう、1stパフォーマンスまで3週間を切ってしまいました! 本当に早い!!信じられません。
今、セップロのメンバーは、必死にセットを作成中です! すっごく楽しいです!ただ、他のセクションと違う場所で活動してるので、 週に1回しか他のセクションと会えないんですよ~><寂しいです! 皆で集まれる時間って、本当に貴重だなと思います。
By the way,recently I noticed 2things.
First,"ACCEPT" is very difficult.
To be honest, I go to law school,so I can go activity very short time. I absented many days before, But MPer, especially S&P member, trying to ACCEPT that. Some members called me to catch up till morning ,and said to" Let's go to dinner! and talk more!" I think it is very difficult thing. So I appreciate MPer soooo much! I want to notice other's good point and do my best during MP time! As other MPer do. I think, it will my motto!
正直に言って、私は大学院生(ロースクール生)なので、 活動に行ける時間はごく限られているんです。 でも、そんな私を、メンバーは、特にセップロのメンバーは、 受け入れようとしてくれてる。 あるメンバーは朝まで電話で話を聞いてくれたり、 「ご飯行きながら話そうよ!」って言ってくれたり。 拒否する前に話を聞いたりすることって凄い難しい事だと思うんです。 だから私はメンバーに、言葉ではあらわせない位の感謝の気持ちでいっぱいなんです♪ 皆がしてくれているように、他の人に「良い所」を見つけよう、 貴重なMPに行ける時間を無駄にしないようにしようとしています。 多分、「受け入れる」っていうのは、自分の一生モノになるだろうなと感じています。
Second,I like story of "June Night!" Of course,I like it before,but I read the script more and more, I like it more and more! And I want to make a great stage WITH EVERY ONE! NOT ONLY S&P! WITH ALL MPer! I'm...We are glad if a message of "June Night" is transmitted!
2つ目は、本当に"June Night"の脚本が素敵だという事! もちろん、前々から大好きでしたが、台本を読めば読む程、 "June Night"の世界にハマっていってるんです。
だから、皆で1つになって、great stageを皆と一緒に作れたら良いなと思います! セップロ内だけじゃなくて!全MPerと! 私は...いや、多分メンバー全員、"June Night"の世界を通して、 メッセージが伝われば良いなと思っている事と思います!
See you on performance day!
Thank you for reading. With tons of love,Urara.
拙い文章を読んで下さりありがとうございました! うららより。
Forever in Blue
Hello there. This is Midori Tokioka who manages this blog. Firstly. I have 2things to say.
One is that some of HEADs members have started to call me “Summer” recently. Actually I'm somehow satisfied with it‘cause “(500)Days of Summer” is one of my favorite movies though.
The other is the fact THE KEEPER WRITES THIS BLOG.
Since I didn't expect, completely, I'm nervous, to be honest.
Nevertheless I’m writing this article as the KEEPER anyway.
This may sound out of the blue, I DO LIKE THIS BLOG.
That is because every article fails to come up to expectation, in good meaning, as I look in a kaleidoscope, which is exactly sparkly!
I doubt the propriety of the word, but MP, for me, is the place I am made acutely aware of being nobody but myself.
But I hope you've notice if you read this blog.
I mean You've already realized that every single MPer is attractive.
Sound Chief Mittsu who said ”I’ll write the blog!” kindly,
AD Hero who explains about TALK and LISTEN with passion,
AD/Cast Roko who tells us there’s no line without any reason,
Ma&C Chanwada who is the first person who wrote the blog,
Cast Dai who said “No discover, No Rh,”
S&P sub Saira who raises her hand in the heads circle even though she hesitated,
Cast Ni-na who asked to me how to write the blog immediately,
S&P Ayame who “take & take & give,”
Sound Kaho who talks about “miracle and destiny” through MP,
Sound Nao who expressed his feeling about 3.11 after 2 years later,
Lighting Misae who said "sharing" ain't one-way communication,
Ma&C Naru who reflects the first day of Ma&C work with passion making costumes for casts,
Cast Masa who believes something happens in “June Night”
S&P Sara who declares to make the great stage with her everything,
Lighting Miko who indicates there's no wall about ages in MP cause of ENGLISH,
Cast Satoshi who promises to enjoy even if it's hard or sad time,
Ma&C Ri-ko who confesses her dream to say GOOD MORNING to everyone.
Lighting Mitsuki who notices "Accept" and "Love" are intertwined,
LM Sakiccho who writes te about the first day of practice in the Studio Rh,
Sound Suzukin who asked me to make a PINK image of this article since she loves,
Cast Goli who says MP is the place we can see natural but precious feelings,
Ma&C Itsuka who is inspired by TKC's and STM's speaking,
S&P Shu who writes about caMP including 1st WT(walk through),
S&P Maika who also writes about caMP with saying, Love is respect,
Lighting Anthea who said "Success comes after efforts," which makes us impressed,
Sound Shimamari who finds the "start line" for the performance after the caMP,
Ma&C Fujimayu who does her job as well as she can including writing the article,
LM Takochan who found the important aspect of MP,
Cast Ieaki who wrote with his thoughts from bottom his heart with bits anxiety,
Cast/AD Marina who is 24/7 Madonna with caring us,
Cast Max who gets excited to making great stage with MP13 "family,"
Cast Sammy who loves struggling through own character on stage,
S&P Machon who makes a fantastic stage with the aim,"Make imposible to possible,"
S&P Katcchan who confesses her own changes through MP13,
Lighting Chihiro who encourages us to struggle one more time,
Cast Shiny who comes and hug me every time with saying “My pal(partner)!!”
LM Ike who tells us that the future is up to your present action.
All articles are nothing but the tracks of MP13. Irreplaceable for me, for you hopefully. Each “word” conveys their thoughts to us, which is the reason I DO LIKE THIS BLOG.
A lot of MPer who wrote an article,
Some of MPer who WILL write an article,
MPer who read this blog every time,
All of OBOG who go easy on us kindly,
People who we WILL see on performance days,
It might be commonplace compliments, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
I’m proud of being the keeper now.
Trees of green, skies of blue.
We are rushing through the rest of MP13 life with purposeful positive action.
How passionate. Too passionate! I do hope you won’t take it amiss, though. ;)
One is that some of HEADs members have started to call me “Summer” recently. Actually I'm somehow satisfied with it‘cause “(500)Days of Summer” is one of my favorite movies though.
The other is the fact THE KEEPER WRITES THIS BLOG.
Since I didn't expect, completely, I'm nervous, to be honest.
Nevertheless I’m writing this article as the KEEPER anyway.
This may sound out of the blue, I DO LIKE THIS BLOG.
That is because every article fails to come up to expectation, in good meaning, as I look in a kaleidoscope, which is exactly sparkly!
I doubt the propriety of the word, but MP, for me, is the place I am made acutely aware of being nobody but myself.
But I hope you've notice if you read this blog.
I mean You've already realized that every single MPer is attractive.
Sound Chief Mittsu who said ”I’ll write the blog!” kindly,
AD Hero who explains about TALK and LISTEN with passion,
AD/Cast Roko who tells us there’s no line without any reason,
Ma&C Chanwada who is the first person who wrote the blog,
Cast Dai who said “No discover, No Rh,”
S&P sub Saira who raises her hand in the heads circle even though she hesitated,
Cast Ni-na who asked to me how to write the blog immediately,
S&P Ayame who “take & take & give,”
Sound Kaho who talks about “miracle and destiny” through MP,
Sound Nao who expressed his feeling about 3.11 after 2 years later,
Lighting Misae who said "sharing" ain't one-way communication,
Ma&C Naru who reflects the first day of Ma&C work with passion making costumes for casts,
Cast Masa who believes something happens in “June Night”
S&P Sara who declares to make the great stage with her everything,
Lighting Miko who indicates there's no wall about ages in MP cause of ENGLISH,
Cast Satoshi who promises to enjoy even if it's hard or sad time,
Ma&C Ri-ko who confesses her dream to say GOOD MORNING to everyone.
Lighting Mitsuki who notices "Accept" and "Love" are intertwined,
LM Sakiccho who writes te about the first day of practice in the Studio Rh,
Sound Suzukin who asked me to make a PINK image of this article since she loves,
Cast Goli who says MP is the place we can see natural but precious feelings,
Ma&C Itsuka who is inspired by TKC's and STM's speaking,
S&P Shu who writes about caMP including 1st WT(walk through),
S&P Maika who also writes about caMP with saying, Love is respect,
Lighting Anthea who said "Success comes after efforts," which makes us impressed,
Sound Shimamari who finds the "start line" for the performance after the caMP,
Ma&C Fujimayu who does her job as well as she can including writing the article,
LM Takochan who found the important aspect of MP,
Cast Ieaki who wrote with his thoughts from bottom his heart with bits anxiety,
Cast/AD Marina who is 24/7 Madonna with caring us,
Cast Max who gets excited to making great stage with MP13 "family,"
Cast Sammy who loves struggling through own character on stage,
S&P Machon who makes a fantastic stage with the aim,"Make imposible to possible,"
S&P Katcchan who confesses her own changes through MP13,
Lighting Chihiro who encourages us to struggle one more time,
Cast Shiny who comes and hug me every time with saying “My pal(partner)!!”
LM Ike who tells us that the future is up to your present action.
All articles are nothing but the tracks of MP13. Irreplaceable for me, for you hopefully. Each “word” conveys their thoughts to us, which is the reason I DO LIKE THIS BLOG.
Some of MPer who WILL write an article,
MPer who read this blog every time,
All of OBOG who go easy on us kindly,
People who we WILL see on performance days,
It might be commonplace compliments, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
I’m proud of being the keeper now.
Trees of green, skies of blue.
We are rushing through the rest of MP13 life with purposeful positive action.
How passionate. Too passionate! I do hope you won’t take it amiss, though. ;)
From Ma&C room on OFF day, Art-Midori.xxx
TALK and LISTENについて語ってくれたADのHero、
助けてもらったその二倍助けたいと“take & give & give”をゴールにあげてくれたセップロのAyame、
“June Night”から何かが生まれてほしいと想いを吐露してくれたキャストのMasa、
GOOD MORNING!ってみんなに言うのが夢、と明かしてくれたメーコスのRi-ko、
MP13 ”Family”とグレーーーーートな舞台を作りたいと言ってくれたキャストのMax、
“My par (partner)!!”と言って抱き付いてくる去年のバディ、キャストのShiny、
Leave your mark
Hi! This is Ike. I'm a drummer, a member of Live Musician.
Yesterday, we had rehearsal at the studio with cast, sound section, AD and team STM.
It was so fun!
I really enjoyed! Do you feel that from this picture, don't you? I won't explain in detail!
I will talk about my mind and passion!
Some of you may think that you are in the box named MP.
But you are a MPer, it means you are a part of MP13.
We have the only core like "Model Production," but the people who make the shape of MP13 are ourselves.
The outline of MP13 depend on each of "us" including "audience" !
MP13 can change it, depending on how we are as a living things!
That is MP13! It is not only MP13 but also every community or society like a club, team, school, family, nation, world and so on.
Leave your mark on here to prove that you are here!
If you don't understand who you are now but don't worry!
Your present is built up by action of your past.
Your future will also be built up by action of your present!
People who is with you now will prove that you are here, what person you are, and your existence!
Let's take us to different places by ourselves through MP13(^0^)!
If you are here, you give influence more or less to someone with you.
But take it easy! If you have "love" for something or someone, you will be loved and accepted even if you mistook the way of something.
Let's go!Come on!Jump in!
I want to ask MPer why do you love musical and what is power of music for you.
and also I want to know your favorite songs or artists! your pal,
...Anyway, after our performance in May let' play futsal!!!
I really hope to do! Thank you!
Yesterday, we had rehearsal at the studio with cast, sound section, AD and team STM.
It was so fun!
I really enjoyed! Do you feel that from this picture, don't you? I won't explain in detail!
I will talk about my mind and passion!
Some of you may think that you are in the box named MP.
But you are a MPer, it means you are a part of MP13.
We have the only core like "Model Production," but the people who make the shape of MP13 are ourselves.
The outline of MP13 depend on each of "us" including "audience" !
MP13 can change it, depending on how we are as a living things!
That is MP13! It is not only MP13 but also every community or society like a club, team, school, family, nation, world and so on.
Leave your mark on here to prove that you are here!
If you don't understand who you are now but don't worry!
Your present is built up by action of your past.
Your future will also be built up by action of your present!
People who is with you now will prove that you are here, what person you are, and your existence!
Let's take us to different places by ourselves through MP13(^0^)!
If you are here, you give influence more or less to someone with you.
But take it easy! If you have "love" for something or someone, you will be loved and accepted even if you mistook the way of something.
Let's go!Come on!Jump in!
I want to ask MPer why do you love musical and what is power of music for you.
and also I want to know your favorite songs or artists! your pal,
...Anyway, after our performance in May let' play futsal!!!
I really hope to do! Thank you!
No more regret
Hi! This is Shiny, one of the Cast members!
I’m Frances Night in June Night. I’m really happy to join MP13 again. Yes, I joined in MP12 as a Ma&C! 1 month later, the last performance day has come. Can’t believe it!!
どうも!Shinyです!キャストやってます。June NightではFrances Nightです。 MP13にまた参加することができてすごく嬉しいです。そう、私MP12ではメイコスとして参加していたんです♪ ちょうど一ヶ月後には千秋楽を向かえているなんて!信じられない!
Today is 3rd RT and also, this is the first time for us to do RT on the stage. usually, we use normal room, so this is really good opportunity for us to get used to be on the stage. Acting on the stage is very difficult. Sometimes we were complicated lol. We must get used to feel setting when we act, although there isn’t anything. In addition, we cannot do more than best I felt. Even if we practiced yesterday, we cannot do in RT as a same. We have so many things to do! I want to do more! I can do more! Uuuumm…..difficult!! but interesting!!
At last, finally we can get fliers and tickets!! They are really good. I can't complain. lol
最後には、ついに、フライヤーとチケットがもらえたんです!! もうこれがまたすんばらしくて。文句のつけようがないくらい(笑)
By the way, I want to talk about… my recent? lol The reason why I join MP13 is that there was some regret in MP12. I want to join and enjoy every moment from bottom of heart. Struggle also I want to enjoy.
No more regret…that is my one of the aim in MP13. However, I already felt so many regrets! My god!! At that time I don’t know what should I do, what do I have to do. There is nothing which I feel “what I want to do”. This is the first time for me that I get this kind of struggle. It’s really hard and painful. I lost the way. So many times I was cried. I felt I can't help regretting. I can't find the answer.
ところで、、、ちょっと私の近況について話してもいいですか。 私がMP13に参加した理由は12の時に後悔が残ってしまったから。参加して心の底から楽しみたい。苦しいことだってそれ自身を楽しみたい。もう後悔はしない…これは私のMP13の目標のひとつです。でも、もうすでにいくつかそ後悔しちゃってるんですよね。うえー。その時、何をすべきか何をしなきゃいけないのかわかりませんでした。見てわかる通り、この時私は一瞬だって"何をしたいか"なんて考えなかったんです。今回の苦しみが今まで体験したことのないものだったからなって後悔もしてしまって。答えが見つかりませんでした。
However suddenly, the answer appeared. It came really easily, so I was really surprised. But also I mustn’t miss this opportunity. I just try my answer right after I got. Now it’s on the way, but getting better I think. I feel no more regret, no more sad. I really appreciate the parson who gave me the answer. Also, there are so many ppl who helped me. That’s wonderful! That’s why I love MP and cannot quit MP! XD
MP is the place which is full of LOVE.
From now, I want to try to help and love all of MPer as much as I can. I try more than best. This is the only way I can repay their favor. Our director Hisashi always said this words "help each other." Is there the place which we can help each other so easily? I think we cannot do so easily. But I try harder. That makes me grow up. I never waste the time anymore. For me, MP13 is the last memory for my school life. Really. So I want to make it great. Not good. Great.
今度は私がみんなを助けようと、愛そうと思います。できるだけたくさん。頑張ります。これが彼らにできる唯一の恩返しだと思うから。私たちのディレクターひさしはよく言うんです、"助け合いなさい"と。こんなに簡単に互いを助け合える場所が他にあるのでしょうか。簡単なことではないかもしれないけど私は頑張りたいです。成長するためにも。もうどの瞬間もムダにしたくない!だってね、MP13は私にとって学生時代最後の思い出だから。本当に。だから絶対にthe great stageを作りたい。良いって意味じゃなくて。素晴らしいって意味ね。
About 1 month later you can see wonderful chemical explosion.
I promise you.
So… why don’t you??
Thank you for reading.
xoxo, Shiny
I’m Frances Night in June Night. I’m really happy to join MP13 again. Yes, I joined in MP12 as a Ma&C! 1 month later, the last performance day has come. Can’t believe it!!
どうも!Shinyです!キャストやってます。June NightではFrances Nightです。 MP13にまた参加することができてすごく嬉しいです。そう、私MP12ではメイコスとして参加していたんです♪ ちょうど一ヶ月後には千秋楽を向かえているなんて!信じられない!
Today is 3rd RT and also, this is the first time for us to do RT on the stage. usually, we use normal room, so this is really good opportunity for us to get used to be on the stage. Acting on the stage is very difficult. Sometimes we were complicated lol. We must get used to feel setting when we act, although there isn’t anything. In addition, we cannot do more than best I felt. Even if we practiced yesterday, we cannot do in RT as a same. We have so many things to do! I want to do more! I can do more! Uuuumm…..difficult!! but interesting!!
At last, finally we can get fliers and tickets!! They are really good. I can't complain. lol
最後には、ついに、フライヤーとチケットがもらえたんです!! もうこれがまたすんばらしくて。文句のつけようがないくらい(笑)
By the way, I want to talk about… my recent? lol The reason why I join MP13 is that there was some regret in MP12. I want to join and enjoy every moment from bottom of heart. Struggle also I want to enjoy.
No more regret…that is my one of the aim in MP13. However, I already felt so many regrets! My god!! At that time I don’t know what should I do, what do I have to do. There is nothing which I feel “what I want to do”. This is the first time for me that I get this kind of struggle. It’s really hard and painful. I lost the way. So many times I was cried. I felt I can't help regretting. I can't find the answer.
ところで、、、ちょっと私の近況について話してもいいですか。 私がMP13に参加した理由は12の時に後悔が残ってしまったから。参加して心の底から楽しみたい。苦しいことだってそれ自身を楽しみたい。もう後悔はしない…これは私のMP13の目標のひとつです。でも、もうすでにいくつかそ後悔しちゃってるんですよね。うえー。その時、何をすべきか何をしなきゃいけないのかわかりませんでした。見てわかる通り、この時私は一瞬だって"何をしたいか"なんて考えなかったんです。今回の苦しみが今まで体験したことのないものだったからなって後悔もしてしまって。答えが見つかりませんでした。
However suddenly, the answer appeared. It came really easily, so I was really surprised. But also I mustn’t miss this opportunity. I just try my answer right after I got. Now it’s on the way, but getting better I think. I feel no more regret, no more sad. I really appreciate the parson who gave me the answer. Also, there are so many ppl who helped me. That’s wonderful! That’s why I love MP and cannot quit MP! XD
MP is the place which is full of LOVE.
From now, I want to try to help and love all of MPer as much as I can. I try more than best. This is the only way I can repay their favor. Our director Hisashi always said this words "help each other." Is there the place which we can help each other so easily? I think we cannot do so easily. But I try harder. That makes me grow up. I never waste the time anymore. For me, MP13 is the last memory for my school life. Really. So I want to make it great. Not good. Great.
今度は私がみんなを助けようと、愛そうと思います。できるだけたくさん。頑張ります。これが彼らにできる唯一の恩返しだと思うから。私たちのディレクターひさしはよく言うんです、"助け合いなさい"と。こんなに簡単に互いを助け合える場所が他にあるのでしょうか。簡単なことではないかもしれないけど私は頑張りたいです。成長するためにも。もうどの瞬間もムダにしたくない!だってね、MP13は私にとって学生時代最後の思い出だから。本当に。だから絶対にthe great stageを作りたい。良いって意味じゃなくて。素晴らしいって意味ね。
About 1 month later you can see wonderful chemical explosion.
I promise you.
So… why don’t you??
Thank you for reading.
xoxo, Shiny
投稿 (Atom)