Hiya! I’m Mariko….ooops!Machon! Sorry for changing my nick name suddenly. There is nothing deeply meaningful here, so anyway please call me Machon! Yay!
My section is Setting and Property.
I’m not good at expressing my feelings through words or text, so “mine is going to be short and sweet”! lol
It‘s already April when I realized. Where did March go? I wanted to shout when I knew the fact that we had only a month left till our performance day. I got a little bit antsy and worried about whether we can make our stage set and props by that day or not, but we MUST try it!
“Make impossible to possible!”
This is not only mine but also S&P’s aim. I really don't like to leave things up in the air. I will express the worldview of June Night beautifully! I will create a fantastic stage which makes the audience excited and crazy as all casts do their own dancing and singing!
Lately, I’m burning with such desires.
“不可能を可能にする!”これが私、そしてセプロの目標です。中途半端なものを作りたくない!June Nightの世界を美しく表現してみせる!お客さんがキャストの歌って踊っている姿を見てノリノリになってくれるようなセットデザインを作ります!こんな感じで最近身体がうずうずしております。
Now, Setting and Property and Make-up and Costume members are working at different place. It’s like a survival place. Actually, it froze hard last two days. lol
Although I feel depression from being separated from everyone, I always think about other section members whenever I work at that place! With many respects! Ha! What a hot and cold person I am.lol
Usually I don’t say such things. maybe this is MP MAGIC!
離れてて寂しいけど、どんな作業をするときもほかのセクションの事をいつも考えながら作業していますよー!尊敬の念を込めながら!あ、完全にツンデレです私(笑)普段はこんなこと言わないんですけどね。MP MAGICのせいだね!
I suppose everyone is really really busy cause the term of the school has started. Why don’t we live everyday in a meaningful way so that we will not regret it afterword!!! Right???