
“For Good”

Hi! I'm Glico from Setting & Property (SP).

Today SP did reflection of yesterday's Technical rehearsal (TRh)
We shared what we felt, what we noticed, etc.
Then, we went to the rehearsal place and gathered with other section members. We practiced dance, did some workshop. It was so fun to do something with everyone.
At the end of the rehearsal, we saw the documentary movie of MP08. From the movie, I felt the history and the spirit of MP. I was moved. It nearly brought tears to my eyes, and many members did weep.

Today was the last Joint Rehearsal. We will never do the workshop with all the members. That means today was very, very precious time. I feel lonely.
I am not so much at speech making that I cannot describe my feeling enough. So, I want to sing a song instead of my speech….
この気持ち、どうやって伝えたらいいのかな。私、こういう所で話すの苦手で…。仕方がないから、代わりに歌を歌います。ミュージカル「WICKED」より「For Good」です。
It well may be 
That we will never meet again in this lifetime 
So let me say before we part 
So much of me is made of what I learned from you 
You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart 
And now whatever way our stories end 
I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend…. 
(“For Good” from WICKED)

It is NOT that we will never meet again. I will meet at workplace / rehearsal place / theater before the performance days and on the days. However, it may be that we will not meet often after performance days and some members are going far places (I hope we will meet after the performances are over but…). So let me say something before we part.
Even when I am going to sleep and even when SP is working at far place from the others, every MP13 member is with me on my heart, and maybe they will forever. And I am changing for good, thanks to every person I met during MP!
“that we will never meet again in this lifetime (一生会うことはない)”わけではないです。だって、メンバーには少なくとも2週間は稽古や本番で会えるから。でも、きっと会う機会は減ってしまうし、中には就職や留学で遠くに行ってしまう人もいます(もちろん本番が終わっても皆に会いたいけど…)。“So let me say before we part(だから、会えなくなる前に言わせて)”!
眠りに落ちそうなときも、セップロだけで作業しているときも、きっと今後もずっと、MP13のメンバーは皆“with me on my heart(私の心に刻まれていて、ずっと一緒)”。そして, MPを通じて私は変わってきている。この変化は一生ものです。MPで出会ったすべての人たち、ありがとう!

Thank you for reading my blog.
If you are an MPer, let’s enjoy in two weeks and make a GREAT stage together!
If you are thinking to be a one of the future audience, I hope you will enjoy our performance. We won’t disappoint you!
私たちの『June Night』を見に行こうかなあと思っている方、劇場に来て楽しんでいただけると光栄です。観てガッカリなんかさせませんよ!

Big hugs,