Firstly, I'm gonna tell you what we did in Today's rehearsal. As other member wrote, nowdays we divided into each section and work. So we couldn't see what each section did in rehearsal. But from last rehearsal, we started to have a time to share what each section did in the end of rehearsal.
According to this, Make up&Costume read script and shared design of some character's costume. AND! they'll announce costume making partner of each cast soon! Yeah!
Live musicians spent time to read and understood script. And thought about meaning of lylics with lisning songs. PLUS! from next rehearsal, they'll go studio to practice playing music! Wow!
Sound section did the sharing the gift (the good things or stuff that they found from each day). After that, they shared what they discovered by reading script and unclear point of script!
Lighting section read scipt and discussed about it. Especially, character's personality and character's feeling in each scene.
Setting & Property invited Kenken who was S&P chief of MP and practiced stage painting! They showed us painting they made. Every painting was soooo great!
About Cast. We did Talk&Listen and then every cast did scene practice individually. This was first time we did Talk&Listen the last scene. I think I told everything about Today's rehearsal roughly.
So from here, I'll write two important things that our directer Hisashi said in today's rehearsal and what I'm thinking.
Hisashi told us "Don't judge from cover" and "Life is hard but also rewarded".
The first one means we shouldn't judge other people with your prejudice or first impression. You can't judge the book whether it's good or bad with just looking it's cover. Human being is same as it.
About the second thing, firstly, he said just "Life is hard". Because in our life, hard things happen one after another and we must deal with them. After that, he told us "but when you get over the hard thing, you must be grown up. Problem makes you more attractive". "If the person doesn't have any problem, he or she is not an attractive, interesting person. How to deal with problem is the life". Then he said "Life is hard but also rewarded". I'm sorry! I don't think I could write what he wants to tell us completely because these sentences are based on my notes and memory.
Anyway, his talking was really impressing. Especially, the second thing. Because it was similar to what I'm thinking!
二つめの方に関して、久さんは最初、"Life is hard" とだけおっしゃいました。人生においてつらいこと、困難なことは次々と起こり、僕らはそれを克服していかなければならないから。その後に彼は「困難を克服した時、君たちは確実に成長する。課題や問題が君たちをより魅力的な人間にする。」「もし、何の問題も抱えていない人がいるならば、その人はおもしろくも魅力的でもない。問題とどう向き合っていくかこそが人生なんだ。」と話し、"Life is hard but also rewarded"とおっしゃいました。この文章は僕のメモと記憶に基づくものなので彼の言わんとすることを完全に伝えられたとは思えません。僕が彼の意味するところをきちんと理解できていないかもしれませんしね。申し訳ないです!
"Show must go on." Do you know this phrase? The meaning is once the show start, no matter what happens, we must continue the show. I like this. Because I think this phrase can apply to our life.
There's no time out or "Take 2" in life. When hard or sad thing happens, no matter how we spend time to worry or complain, time doesn't wait and problem is left unless we try to solve it. If so, it's better to use the time to get over problems instead of worry or complain. Plus, if we feel soooo hard or sad at that time, after problem is solved, it'll be a reminiscence or... kind a funny story.
I think this way so I wanna "enjoy every moment!" I mean I wanna enjoy even hard or sad time. It also will be my precious memory, precious experience. I guess every people who join MP including me will have their own problem. It might be very hard problem but in such situation, I wanna ENJOY! I hope my message will reach you and I also hope you'll enjoy your life!
"Show must go on"って知ってますか?一度始まったショーは何が起きても続けなきゃいけないって意味なんですが、僕はこの言葉が好きなんです。人生でも同じことが言えると思うから。人生にはタイムアウトとかテイク2なんてないですよね。辛いことや悲しいことが起こって、どんなに僕らが悩んだり不満を言ったりしても、時間は刻々と過ぎていくし、問題は解決しません。それだったらその悩んだりする時間を問題を解決するための行動に使う方が絶対いいですよね。それに、その当時はどんっなに辛かったり、悲しかったりしても、問題が解決すればその経験は思い出話かもしくは笑い話にできるんだし。
Thank you for reading my poor English!
For Dear audience
Thank you for checking our blog! And please come our performance! I'm sure we can satisfy you!!
ADs gave a assignment "Hug more than five girls each day to preparation for the role"
So girls please help me!