おはようございます?こんにちは?こんばんは? lightingセクションのMisaeです。 他のメンバーが書いたように、今セクションごとに分かれて活動してます。 このブログでは私がlighting メンバーではお初なので、lightingについて話したいと思います:)
Lighting has Many pattern, of course uses loooots of colors. At the first day we separated our chief Mine gave us a pen light and Lighting design & systems. It's sooo fun! When we were given it, we talked about what color is the best for members! Maybe When other sections looked at us, they thought we were funny.
Lightingは多くのパターン、そしてもちろんのこと、たくさんの色を使います!セクションごとに分かれた最初の日、我らがチーフMineがペンライトとカラーフィルター見本帳をくれたんです!これ、めっちゃ面白いの。 もらった時に「誰は何色が合うか」を話し合ったり(笑)きっと他のセクションから見れば面白かったんだろうな~
And our section started a special thing "share what made you happy or glad". (sorry i don't have enouh vocabulary.....it's the best for me..) everyday we share the members' feeling. I think it is important to make good relationship. The story is ok both long or short, small or big, whichever you want to talk.
そして!特別なこと?を始めました!「昨日幸せ、嬉しかったことをシェアしようぜ☆」です。(ボキャ貧だからなんかかっこ悪いですが、これが私の最善です) 毎日メンバーの気持ちをシェア!話は長かろうが短かろうが、小さいことでも大きなことでも好きなだけ! いい友好関係作るのに大事だと思うんだ。
I think "share" is not just saying. The speaker tries to tell, and listeners try to know and understand.
By the way, do you remember the day March 11th? We have to remember and never forget the day.
We pray for a while and share a big topic that what did you experience and how did you feel two years ago. Lots of members including me were crying at that time.
I felt we have to keep in mind that "the time we alive now is very precious.(by Nao)"
Though it is a private affair, I can be more cheerful.
It's because now I can live! spend a precious time with MP members.
How great is it? and from now on I'll continue doing my best with that feeling.
私事だけど、自分はもっと元気いっぱい?明るく?いれると思うの。だって、今生きてる。MPメンバーとこのかけがえのない時間を過ごせる。 なんて素敵なことなの? 今から、この気持ちを胸に、自分のベストを尽くして行きます!
Thank you for reading my pooooor English.
Love, Misae