
March Night

First appearance on this blog, I’m Marina, the Madonna of MP13, who is a cast and an AD. I completely don’t know why everyone calls me so, which means I’m elder than the others?!

初登場ヘッズメンバー 演出補佐兼キャスト、MP13の姐さんことMarinaです。今年はどういうわけか「姐さん」ポジションにいるようです。なぜだろうね~、老けた?

MPer’s spent so productive time like thick soup of dipping noodle. Day by day, we’ve approached the GRATE STAGE, MP13!!!!! That’s exactly “Time flies.” Well, it’s passed much faster than it’s expected. Somehow, every day can be different from the previous day. I’m sure that MPer’s exactly grown up little by little. Their sparkly talent blossoms as flowers in animated, though we’d never seen before. How marvelous it is.


We are heading to the “the Grate stage.” I can’t help thinking that I’m falling love with MP!! How beautiful we are, I mean almost 100 young guys are heading to the same goal.


Look around and, because of poor enthusiasm, you’ll see tons of stories which had been over before the end. We are not allowed in MP. 
LOVE&ACCEPT and you’ll be loved and be accepted.

世の中を見て御覧よ、同じベクトルに向かうことが出来ずに壊れてしまう物語がどんだけあるか。MPではそれじゃだめなのよ、愛して、受け入れる。そして愛されて、受け入れられる。“Love & Accept” and “to be loved & to be accepted”

Nobody looks down at and abandon your effort. 
We do help you when you struggle, 
We do look upon you when you conflict with yourselves, 
We do hold you when you are eager to achieve the aim, 
We do present what you need to you.


You see, it’s like FAMILY, isn't it? But, at the same time, I believe MP is also the place which anyone can grow from the immature to the mature one more time. That’s why one of the MP spirit is JUMP IN, I guess.

なーんてね、まるで温かい家族のようじゃない? そんな例えを使ってみたけど、MPはきっともう一度子供から大人に成長できる場だと思っているのです。だからこそのMP精神:ジャンプイン なのかもね。

To readers, do you JUMP IN? 
You tend to miss "the miracle” unless you get the ball rolling. Why don't you find new aspects of yourselves!?
YES!! LET’S JUMP IN, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!


Last year, as one of the Ma&C member. At midnight.
Ups, by the way, at the last cheer, though I went to the center of the circle cause only teenagers could go there, I was refused. Actually I’m gonna be 23 in a year. "Humph!"


Fascinating yours,


MP as "home"

Hi! I'm Ieaki. I'm a member of Cast. Recently, I can't believe how quickly the time goes! We have only one month by the performance day. There are so many things to do for all members. I wanna try what I can do diligently.


Today, in the morning, cast member did Hisashi's workshop. We paired up, and then stood back to back and closed eyes. After three counts with walking, we turned around and opened eyes, and said what you thought about partner. It looks easy one, but it is really difficult. "No preparation, to be honest" Hisashi said. He asked us to say just what you feel when you look your partner. We should not put any assumption. No preparation and to be honest are difficult and challenge but they are same things as our daily life.


Through RH, I noticed one thing. Two weeks ago, I got flu, so I absented three RH because of it. I had to catch up, so I called some members and asked what you did everyday. It was really hard to catch up everything of three RH but I tried to continue asking, as a result, maybe I could catch up all. I realized how precious and important one RH was. Even if I absent only one RH, it means that I miss so many things. To work on staying healthy is so basic thing but important.


When I recovered from flu, so many people said "Welcome back" in person or on twitter and I could say "I'm back." I was so glad, and also I felt "home" I thought that relationship that we can say "Welcome back" and "I'm back" each other means "home" I like such relationship and recognized our relationship is much better than beginning.


And here, I wanna say my favorite proverb. That is "Don't forget the enthusiasm you had at the beginning"
Do you remember yourself at the beginning? I always try not to forget what I want to do or be at the beginning and the reason I joined MP. We have a tendency to forget our first feelings. Let's back to your beginning and think about it!! And also, I'll try not to forget to enjoy!!!!!!! Thanks to such thinking, I enjoy now sooooooooo much!!!!!! Everyone, let's enjoy more!!!!!

そしてここで、自分の好きなことわざを言いたいと思います。それは"初心忘れるべからず"です。みなさんは、最初のころの自分を覚えていますか??自分はいつも、最初のころ自分がなにをしたかったのか、自分がどうあったのか、なぜMPに参加したのかを忘れないようにしています。私たちはみな、全てにおいて、最初のころの気持ちを忘れがちです。一度原点に戻って、考えてみましょう!そして、また自分は楽しむことを忘れないようにしています。そう意識しているおかげで、今もめちゃくちゃ楽しめています!!! !!!!!もーーーっと楽しみましょう!!

Thank you for reading my article. 読んでくれてありがとうございました。
