
No more regret

Hi! This is Shiny, one of the Cast members! 
I’m Frances Night in June Night. I’m really happy to join MP13 again. Yes, I joined in MP12 as a Ma&C! 1 month later, the last performance day has come. Can’t believe it!! 

どうも!Shinyです!キャストやってます。June NightではFrances Nightです。 MP13にまた参加することができてすごく嬉しいです。そう、私MP12ではメイコスとして参加していたんです♪ ちょうど一ヶ月後には千秋楽を向かえているなんて!信じられない!

Today is 3rd RT and also, this is the first time for us to do RT on the stage. usually, we use normal room, so this is really good opportunity for us to get used to be on the stage. Acting on the stage is very difficult. Sometimes we were complicated lol. We must get used to feel setting when we act, although there isn’t anything. In addition, we cannot do more than best I felt. Even if we practiced yesterday, we cannot do in RT as a same. We have so many things to do! I want to do more! I can do more! Uuuumm…..difficult!! but interesting!! 
At last, finally we can get fliers and tickets!! They are really good. I can't complain. lol 

最後には、ついに、フライヤーとチケットがもらえたんです!! もうこれがまたすんばらしくて。文句のつけようがないくらい(笑)

By the way, I want to talk about… my recent? lol The reason why I join MP13 is that there was some regret in MP12. I want to join and enjoy every moment from bottom of heart. Struggle also I want to enjoy.
No more regret…that is my one of the aim in MP13. However, I already felt so many regrets! My god!! At that time I don’t know what should I do, what do I have to do. There is nothing which I feel “what I want to do”. This is the first time for me that I get this kind of struggle. It’s really hard and painful. I lost the way. So many times I was cried. I felt I can't help regretting. I can't find the answer. 

ところで、、、ちょっと私の近況について話してもいいですか。 私がMP13に参加した理由は12の時に後悔が残ってしまったから。参加して心の底から楽しみたい。苦しいことだってそれ自身を楽しみたい。もう後悔はしない…これは私のMP13の目標のひとつです。でも、もうすでにいくつかそ後悔しちゃってるんですよね。うえー。その時、何をすべきか何をしなきゃいけないのかわかりませんでした。見てわかる通り、この時私は一瞬だって"何をしたいか"なんて考えなかったんです。今回の苦しみが今まで体験したことのないものだったからなって後悔もしてしまって。答えが見つかりませんでした。

However suddenly, the answer appeared. It came really easily, so I was really surprised. But also I mustn’t miss this opportunity. I just try my answer right after I got. Now it’s on the way, but getting better I think. I feel no more regret, no more sad. I really appreciate the parson who gave me the answer. Also, there are so many ppl who helped me. That’s wonderful! That’s why I love MP and cannot quit MP! XD 
MP is the place which is full of LOVE. 


From now, I want to try to help and love all of MPer as much as I can. I try more than best. This is the only way I can repay their favor. Our director Hisashi always said this words "help each other." Is there the place which we can help each other so easily? I think we cannot do so easily. But I try harder. That makes me grow up. I never waste the time anymore. For me, MP13 is the last memory for my school life. Really. So I want to make it great. Not good. Great. 

今度は私がみんなを助けようと、愛そうと思います。できるだけたくさん。頑張ります。これが彼らにできる唯一の恩返しだと思うから。私たちのディレクターひさしはよく言うんです、"助け合いなさい"と。こんなに簡単に互いを助け合える場所が他にあるのでしょうか。簡単なことではないかもしれないけど私は頑張りたいです。成長するためにも。もうどの瞬間もムダにしたくない!だってね、MP13は私にとって学生時代最後の思い出だから。本当に。だから絶対にthe great stageを作りたい。良いって意味じゃなくて。素晴らしいって意味ね。

About 1 month later you can see wonderful chemical explosion. 
I promise you. 


So… why don’t you?? 


Thank you for reading.

xoxo, Shiny

1 件のコメント:

  1. Shiny!

    You came out of a slump!

    Take care of your throat with Candy!
