
Success comes after Efforts

Nice to meet you!
I am Anthea, one of the member of Lighting

はじめまして! MP13照明セクションのAntheaです(o^^o)

Today is a first Rh after CAMP. I think every section did different activity from before the CAMP because we saw the first R/T. 


Light section started making lighting plan today. I can image in my mind. But combining images and writing down as a plan are so difficult;((( Every one has different images of lighting, color and strength. My poor lighting knowledge is also problem for me. I have to watch more stages and learn great effect of light!! 


However there is more time to think about plans. So I wanna discuss deeply and make a good plan. Please look forward to our lighting:))

まぁそうは言っても、まだプランを考える時間はあるので、じっくりしっかりみんなで良い照明プランを作っていこうと思います!!楽しみにしていてくださいm(_ _)m

From here I wanna talk about myself.


My goal of MP is 'making the great memory of school days'


 I have done this kind of activity related to stage for all of my school life. From elementary school to high school, I played dramas. And from when I was 2nd year of university, I have played musicals. Standing and acting on the stage are so fan for me and they are main parts of my life. 


From April, I will be 4th grade and belong to laboratory. I will be too busy to do such a kind of activity. So MP is the last stage for me.


That's why I don't want to regret. I want make great stage!!! I want to share great time with great friends!!! I want to be proud to have such a precious time with every member!!! 

だからこそ、私は後悔したくない。最高の舞台を作って、最高の仲間とともに最高の時間をすごしたいと思ってます!! 「これが私が学生時代を捧げて、打ち込んできたことなんだ!」って胸をはって言いたいんです!!

However, these days I feel nervous. I feel lighting section fall behind cast. When I saw scene practice of cast today, I felt they are far away from me. I know it cannot help lighting's work being slow because of the properties. But I still feel nervous. 

でもこの頃、私は焦りを感じます。なんだか役者に比べて、照明セクションが遅れてるんじゃないかなって思ってしまいます。 今日、役者の人たちの練習を見ていて、役者の人たちがずーっと遠くに行ってしまったような気さえしました。照明セクションの性質上、役者や舞台美術が決まってからしか動けないからこその遅れなのは、分かっているのですが、それでもやっぱり焦っちゃいます。

Actually what I feel nervous is 'lack of my efforts' because I believe SUCCESS comes after EFFORTS. 

実際、何に焦ってるかって言うと、「あまり努力していない自分」に焦ってるんでしょうね。 私は努力の先に最高の思い出があると思います。だからこその焦りですね、きっと。 

It is second time to say, but you know there is still time!! I try to work harder and make the best light with members!!! Don't miss the performances:)

さっきも言いましたが、まだ時間はあります! 今まで以上に本気で取り組んで、本番の日には照明セクションみんなで最高の照明を作ってみせるので、楽しみにしていてください!!

Let's enjoy every precious moment:))))


From Anthea

1 件のコメント:

  1. Anthea

    You said
    "feel nervous because of lack of effort."
    That kind of person makes effort.

    You are "lighting".
    When I saw MP stage lighting of MP09,10,11 and 12,
    I feel kinda comfortable.
    Lighting is very moving audience.

    I must see your lighting.
