
Good difference & relationship

Hello! I’m Miko, one of the members of Lighting. Today I want to write about one of the interests about MP13.


The interest is the fact that there are members of all ages, but we can’t care the difference because of English. The youngest member is 17 years old and the oldest member is 24 years old (maybe). If we talk in Japanese, we may use the term of respect for the person or we must behave as senior/junior. But we talk in English so that there is no barrier between members whose ages are different.


I think it must be so strange and rare situation. Usually we are conscious the age and position. That is one way to build good relationship. On the other hand such things make distance from people. However we try to break the barrier sometimes we can’t. I think it’s very “mottainai” situation.


On the other hand, in MP13, we don’t feel the barrier. We know there are differences in age or position. But in many case, we can’t show the differences in English. As a result we talk so naturally. In my opinion, it’s very good relationship.


Let’s make use of this relationship and play great “June Night”!

この関係を活かして、ステキな“June Night”を作り上げましょう!

And Kenken, an OB, visited us and held workshop of Setting & Property. Thank you! S&P members practiced to write scenery with Kenken. The member showed us what they wrote. That ware so nice! I’m looking forward to see their works. We, Lighting member also have to do good job!


At last, yesterday Hiro (Assistant Director) present souvenir from Tokyo Disney Land! That ware chocolate and rice cracker. Of course that ware delicious! Thank you!


See you then.


1 件のコメント:

  1. Miko

    We apt to see negative point of English;difficulty to communicate and so on.
    But there is many nice point of English.
    You notice that. Great.

    Positive thinking and action can't be better.
